Other Options

These are the remaining configuration options supported by webpack.


object boolean: false

Set the value of require.amd or define.amd. Setting amd to false will disable webpack's AMD support.


module.exports = {
  amd: {
    jQuery: true,

Certain popular modules written for AMD, most notably jQuery versions 1.7.0 to 1.9.1, will only register as an AMD module if the loader indicates it has taken special allowances for multiple versions being included on a page.

The allowances were the ability to restrict registrations to a specific version or to support different sandboxes with different defined modules.

This option allows you to set the key your module looks for to a truthy value. As it happens, the AMD support in webpack ignores the defined name anyways.


boolean = false

Fail out on the first error instead of tolerating it. By default webpack will log these errors in red in the terminal, as well as the browser console when using HMR, but continue bundling. To enable it:


module.exports = {
  bail: true,

This will force webpack to exit its bundling process.



A list of name defining all sibling configurations it depends on. Dependent configurations need to be compiled first.

In watch mode dependencies will invalidate the compiler when:

  1. the dependency has changed
  2. a dependency is currently compiling or invalid

Remember that current configuration will not compile until its dependencies are done.


module.exports = [
    name: 'client',
    target: 'web',
    // …
    name: 'server',
    target: 'node',
    dependencies: ['client'],


[RegExp, function (WebpackError, Compilation) => boolean, {module?: RegExp, file?: RegExp, message?: RegExp}]

Tells webpack to ignore specific warnings. This can be done with a RegExp, a custom function to select warnings based on the raw warning instance which is getting WebpackError and Compilation as arguments and returns a boolean, an object with the following properties:

  • file : A RegExp to select the origin file for the warning.
  • message : A RegExp to select the warning message.
  • module : A RegExp to select the origin module for the warning.

ignoreWarnings must be an array of any or all of the above.

module.exports = {
  ignoreWarnings: [
      module: /module2\.js\?[34]/, // A RegExp
      module: /[13]/,
      message: /homepage/,
    /warning from compiler/,
    (warning) => true,


Options for infrastructure level logging.

object = {}




Append lines to the output instead of updating existing output, useful for status messages. This option is used only when no custom console is provided.


module.exports = {
  infrastructureLogging: {
    appendOnly: true,
    level: 'verbose',
  plugins: [
    (compiler) => {
      const logger = compiler.getInfrastructureLogger('MyPlugin');
      logger.status('first output'); // this line won't be overridden with `appendOnly` enabled
      logger.status('second output');




Enable colorful output for infrastructure level logging. This option is used only when no custom console is provided.


module.exports = {
  infrastructureLogging: {
    colors: true,
    level: 'verbose',
  plugins: [
    (compiler) => {
      const logger = compiler.getInfrastructureLogger('MyPlugin');
      logger.log('this output will be colorful');




Customize the console used for infrastructure level logging.


module.exports = {
  infrastructureLogging: {
    console: yourCustomConsole(),


string boolean = false RegExp function(name) => boolean [string, RegExp, function(name) => boolean]

Enable debug information of specified loggers such as plugins or loaders. Similar to stats.loggingDebug option but for infrastructure. Defaults to false.


module.exports = {
  infrastructureLogging: {
    level: 'info',
    debug: ['MyPlugin', /MyPlugin/, (name) => name.contains('MyPlugin')],


string = 'info' : 'none' | 'error' | 'warn' | 'info' | 'log' | 'verbose'

Enable infrastructure logging output. Similar to stats.logging option but for infrastructure. Defaults to 'info'.

Possible values:

  • 'none' - disable logging
  • 'error' - errors only
  • 'warn' - errors and warnings only
  • 'info' - errors, warnings, and info messages
  • 'log' - errors, warnings, info messages, log messages, groups, clears. Collapsed groups are displayed in a collapsed state.
  • 'verbose' - log everything except debug and trace. Collapsed groups are displayed in expanded state.


module.exports = {
  infrastructureLogging: {
    level: 'info',



NodeJS.WritableStream = process.stderr

Stream used for logging output. Defaults to process.stderr. This option is used only when no custom console is provided.


module.exports = {
  infrastructureLogging: {
    stream: process.stderr,



Expose custom values into the loader context.

For example, you can define a new variable in the loader context:


module.exports = {
  // ...
  loader: {
    answer: 42,

Then use this.answer to get its value in the loader:


module.exports = function (source) {
  // ...
  console.log(this.answer); // will log `42` here
  return source;



Name of the configuration. Used when loading multiple configurations.


module.exports = {
  name: 'admin-app',


number = 100

Limit the number of parallel processed modules. Can be used to fine tune performance or to get more reliable profiling results.



Capture a "profile" of the application, including statistics and hints, which can then be dissected using the Analyze tool. It will also log out a summary of module timings.



Specify the file from which to read the last set of records. This can be used to rename a records file. See the example below.



Specify where the records should be written. The following example shows how you might use this option in combination with recordsInputPath to rename a records file:


const path = require('path');

module.exports = {
  recordsInputPath: path.join(__dirname, 'records.json'),
  recordsOutputPath: path.join(__dirname, 'newRecords.json'),



Use this option to generate a JSON file containing webpack "records" – pieces of data used to store module identifiers across multiple builds. You can use this file to track how modules change between builds. To generate one, specify a location:


const path = require('path');

module.exports = {
  recordsPath: path.join(__dirname, 'records.json'),

Records are particularly useful if you have a complex setup that leverages Code Splitting. The data can be used to ensure the split bundles are achieving the caching behavior you need.



snapshot options decide how the file system snapshots are created and invalidated.


const path = require('path');
module.exports = {
  // ...
  snapshot: {
    managedPaths: [path.resolve(__dirname, '../node_modules')],
    immutablePaths: [],
    buildDependencies: {
      hash: true,
      timestamp: true,
    module: {
      timestamp: true,
    resolve: {
      timestamp: true,
    resolveBuildDependencies: {
      hash: true,
      timestamp: true,


object = { hash boolean = true, timestamp boolean = true }

Snapshots for build dependencies when using the persistent cache.

  • hash: Compare content hashes to determine invalidation (more expensive than timestamp, but changes less often).
  • timestamp: Compare timestamps to determine invalidation.

Both hash and timestamp are optional.

  • { hash: true }: Good for CI caching with a fresh checkout which doesn't keep timestamps and uses hashes.
  • { timestamp: true }: Good for local development caching.
  • { timestamp: true, hash: true }: Good for both cases mentioned above. Timestamps are compared first, which is cheap because webpack doesn't need to read files to compute their hashes. Content hashes will be compared only when timestamps are the same, which leads to a small performance hit for the initial build.


(RegExp | string)[]

An array of paths that are managed by a package manager and contain a version or a hash in their paths so that all files are immutable.


(RegExp | string)[]

An array of paths that are managed by a package manager and can be trusted to not be modified otherwise.


object = {hash boolean = true, timestamp boolean = true}

Snapshots for building modules.

  • hash: Compare content hashes to determine invalidation (more expensive than timestamp, but changes less often).
  • timestamp: Compare timestamps to determine invalidation.


object = {hash boolean = true, timestamp boolean = true}

Snapshots for resolving of requests.

  • hash: Compare content hashes to determine invalidation (more expensive than timestamp, but changes less often).
  • timestamp: Compare timestamps to determine invalidation.


object = {hash boolean = true, timestamp boolean = true}

Snapshots for resolving of build dependencies when using the persistent cache.

  • hash: Compare content hashes to determine invalidation (more expensive than timestamp, but changes less often).
  • timestamp: Compare timestamps to determine invalidation.

Further Reading

15 Contributors
